Homesnap is operated by Ten-X. :\=([^&]+))?/g;t=a.exec(e);)r=r||{},"string"==typeof t[2]?r[decodeURIComponent(t[1].toLowerCase())]=decodeURIComponent(t[2]):"="!==e.charAt(e.indexOf(t[1])+t[1].length)&&(r[decodeURIComponent(t[1].toLowerCase())]=!0);return r},parseUrl:function(e){if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return null;var t=/^(http:|https:)?(?:\/\/)?(([^\/\:]+)?(?:(?:\:)([\d]+))?)?(\/[^\s\?]*)(\?[^\#\s]+)? "Last 14 Days":i>=14&&i<30? (\d{2}),\d+(\)\(\d{2},\d+)*/i,r=e.match(n);return"26"!==(null===r||void 0===r?void 0:r[1])||r[2]?e.indexOf("/cp_")>-1?a.polygonType=2:e.indexOf("/ct_")>-1?a.polygonType=1:"21"!==(null===r||void 0===r?void 0:r[1])||r[2]||(a.polygonType=4):a.polygonType=3,e.indexOf("hm_")>-1&&(a.heatmapOption=e.match(/.*\/hm_(\w*)_\d*\/. (a.conversationLong="".concat(e[o.getDay()]," ").concat(a.formattedTime),a.conversationShort=e[o.getDay()],a):(a.conversationLong="".concat(a.monthDayYear," ").concat(a.formattedTime),a.conversationShort=a.monthDayYear,a)}return null},getSummary:function(e){var t="";return e.text&&(t=e.text),e.propertyAddress? Davis Owen Real Estate. "Open ".concat(e.listing.openHouse.times):"Open House";null!==(u=e.listing.openHouse.method)&&void 0!==u&&u.virtual&&(d="Live ",n.listing.isOpenHouseNow(e.listing.openHouse)?d+="Now ":e.listing.openHouse.times&&(d+="".concat(e.listing.openHouse.times," ")),d+='');var g=new t(d,"#00B100",null);if(r.push(g),null!==e&&void 0!==e&&e.transactionType.forSale&&null!==e&&void 0!==e&&null!==(p=e.listing)&&void 0!==p&&p.openHouse.method.byAppointmentOnly){var"citysnap")? 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").toLowerCase()}},n.brokerage={originateUrl:function(e){var t,r;if(null!==e&&void 0!==e&&null!==(t=e.url)&&void 0!==t&&t.input&&(r={url:"".concat(e.url.input),withBrokerageID:!1},e.queryString)){if(e.queryString.brokerageid)return r.withBrokerageID=!0,r;Object.keys(e.queryString).length&&(r.url="".concat(r.url,"? [^A-Z]*)/g).slice(0,-1).join(" "), Phone Number: (203) 661-DXFR +4 phones. Owen P Davis are some of the alias or nicknames that Owen has used. There are 16 court records for "Owen Davis" in "Fairfield County". . (t=6,r=e.propertyID),,{type:t,id:r}}},getPageTitle:function(e){var t=e.address? {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString()}:null},getLotSize:function(e){return e? Samuel Owen Gallery represents a thoughtfully curated collection of seasoned, emerging, and undiscovered artists. ")),t.url=t.url.concat("brokerageid=",n),n&&window.location.replace("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(t.url)),!1}},n.reload={withUtmTags:function(e){if(!e||"object"!=typeof e||e.constructor!==Object)return!1;var t={promoCampaign:"utm_campaign",promoSource:"utm_source",promoMedium:"utm_medium",promoTerm:"utm_term",promoContent:"utm_content",promoDate:"date",salesUserID:"sdr",triggerEmailSubject:"subj"},r=Object.keys(e).map(function(r){if(e[r])return"".concat(t[r],"=").concat(e[r])}).filter(Boolean).join("&"),a="".concat(window.location.origin).concat(window.location.pathname,"? We found 14 phone numbers and email addresses. At Bendix Corporation, he worked on guidance systems for the first Apollo missions and was a steward of the Bendix Retirement Funds. Owen left this 1,930 square foot home in 2007. )?/,""),roundedMinutes:Math.round(e/60)}}},getDayOfWeekArray:function(){return[{dayFull:"Sunday",dayAbbr:"Sun",dayLongAbbr:"Sun"},{dayFull:"Monday",dayAbbr:"M",dayLongAbbr:"Mon"},{dayFull:"Tuesday",dayAbbr:"T",dayLongAbbr:"Tues"},{dayFull:"Wednesday",dayAbbr:"W",dayLongAbbr:"Wed"},{dayFull:"Thursday",dayAbbr:"Th",dayLongAbbr:"Thurs"},{dayFull:"Friday",dayAbbr:"F",dayLongAbbr:"Fri"},{dayFull:"Saturday",dayAbbr:"S",dayLongAbbr:"Sat"}]},getDayOfWeek:function(e){return[e]},getTimeOptions:function(){for(var e=[],t=function(e){return e.toString().padStart(2,"0")},r=0;r<2;r++)for(var a=r? Ways to honor Owen Davis's life and legacy. (r.dataStatusBadge="red",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-google-red",r.spanIcon="cancel",r.pText="Declined"):e.status.none&&(r.dataStatusBadge="gray",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-gray-300",r.spanIcon="watch_later",r.pText="No Status");return r}},n.coStarBrand={_current:window.Homesnap&&window.Homesnap.coStarBrand,_internalDictionary:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";if("number"==typeof e)return 2940===e?4:2;switch(e.toLowerCase()){case"citysnap":return 4;case"homesnap":default:return 2}},is:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";if(e){var t=this._internalDictionary(e);return t&&this._current===t}},getCurrent:function(e){var t=e?this._internalDictionary(e):this._current;switch(t){case 4:return{name:"Citysnap",supportEmail:"",listingService:"RLS",raw:t,appleApp:"",googlePlay:"",includedMLSIds:[511e3]};default:return{name:"Homesnap",supportEmail:"",listingService:"MLS",raw:t,appleApp:"",googlePlay:"",includedMLSIds:[]}}}},n}),String.prototype.endsWith||(String.prototype.endsWith=function(e,t){return(void 0===t||t>this.length)&&(t=this.length),this.substring(t-e.length,t)===e}),Object.assign&&"function"==typeof Object.assign||Object.defineProperty(Object,"assign",{value:function(e,t){"use strict";if(null===e)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");for(var r=Object(e),a=1;a>16),s((65280&n)>>8),s(255&n);return 2==o?s(255&(n=c(e.charAt(t))<<2|c(e.charAt(t+1))>>4)):1==o&&(s((n=c(e.charAt(t))<<10|c(e.charAt(t+1))<<4|c(e.charAt(t+2))>>2)>>8&255),s(255&n)),i},e.fromByteArray=function(e){var t,n,r,o,i=e.length%3,u="";function a(e){return"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".charAt(e)}for(t=0,r=e.length-i;t>18&63)+a(o>>12&63)+a(o>>6&63)+a(63&o);switch(i){case 1:u+=a((n=e[e.length-1])>>2),u+=a(n<<4&63),u+="==";break;case 2:u+=a((n=(e[e.length-2]<<8)+e[e.length-1])>>10),u+=a(n>>4&63),u+=a(n<<2&63),u+="="}return u}}(void 0===f?this.base64js={}:f)}).call(this,e("lYpoI2"),"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{},e("buffer").Buffer,arguments[3],arguments[4],arguments[5],arguments[6],"/node_modules/gulp-browserify/node_modules/base64-js/lib/b64.js","/node_modules/gulp-browserify/node_modules/base64-js/lib")},{buffer:3,lYpoI2:10}],3:[function(O,e,H){(function(e,t,g,n,r,o,i,u,a){var s=O("base64-js"),f=O("ieee754");function g(e,t,n){if(! Box 785, McAfee, NJ 07428. Landlines (2) (954) 389-5868 (973) 827-3026 . The presence or absence of records for any individual is not a guarantee of any kind. )/g;return"string"==typeof e?e.match(t):null}},{getDateInfo:function(e){if(e){var t,r=new Date(e),a={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric"},o={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric",hour:"numeric",minute:"numeric",second:"numeric"},i=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],s=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],c=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];return{raw:r.getTime(),date:r,month:r.getMonth()+1,day:r.getDate(),year:r.getFullYear(),monthDayYear:r.getMonth()+1+"/"+r.getDate()+"/"+r.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2),formattedDate:r.toLocaleString("en-us",a),formattedDateTime:r.toLocaleString("en-us",o),shortMonth:s[r.getMonth()],longMonth:c[r.getMonth()],formattedTime:r.toLocaleTimeString("en-us",{hour:"2-digit",minute:"2-digit"}),,,shortDay:i[r.getDay()],longDay:null===(||void 0===t?void 0:t.dayFull}}return null},getAgo:function(e){var;if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),a=Math.round(r/1e3),n=Math.round(a/60),o=Math.round(n/60),i=Math.round(o/24),s=Math.round(i/7),c=Math.round(i/30);return a<=0? "Bed":"Beds"}:null},getBaths:function(e,t){var r;return e&&(r={raw:{full:e,half:t||0},string:e.toString(),label:"Baths"},t&&t>0&&(r.string+=1==t? . Mr. Davis lived in Bergen and Sussex Counties in New Jersey and Weston, Florida. . (!0,"Google",t.color={text:"#db3236",background:"#ef5c42",rgb:"239,92,66",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #E07C3D 0%, #E23A3A 100%)"},t.icon={color:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/google-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/google-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/google-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/google-grey-70px-2x.png")}):4===e&&(t.waze=!0,"Waze",t.color={text:"#00b7d6",background:"#00b8d2",rgb:"0, 184, 210",gradient:"linear-gradient(313.13deg, #22E0FF 0%, #1CD6F6 15.8%, #15C9EA 35.86%, #15CAEB 36.43%, #15CAEB 36.44%, #15CAEB 36.44%, #15CAEB 37.2%, #15C9EA 37.36%, #15C9EA 37.52%, #15C9EA 38.16%, #14C8E9 39.89%, #14C8E9 39.89%, #13C6E7 43.86%, #10C0E2 53.61%, #00A4C8 100%)"},t.icon={color:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/waze-colored-256px-1.png"),colorSM:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/waze-colored-70px-2x-1.png"),white:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/waze-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:n.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/waze-grey-70px-2x.png")}),t},getPlatformIDByName:function(e){if(!e)return null;var t;switch(e.toLowerCase()){case"facebook":t=1;break;case"instagram":t=2;break;case"google":case"googlesearch":case"googlediscovery":t=3;break;case"waze":t=4}return t}},n.leads={getNetwork:function(e,t){var r=Object.assign({},;if(,r.raw=e,r[t])return r;switch(r.color={text:"#000000",background:"#ffffff",rgb:"0, 0, 0",gradient:null},r.icon={color:"",colorSM:"",white:"",grey:""},e){case"Unknown";break;case"Homesnap";break;case"YouTube";break;case 64:case"Google Ads";break;case"Google's Local Services Ads"}return r},getPlatform:function(e){var t,r={};return r.match=null!==(t=Object.keys(e).filter(function(t){return!0===e[t]})[0])&&void 0!==t?t:"",[A-Z]? 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Listing agent for these homes has added a Coming Soon note to alert buyers in advance ] )., this site is currently under construction, as a gunner 2 ) ( )... Has used.join ( `` `` ), or keep their photos private security....: ( 203 ) 661-.css-1y2reja { color: transparent ; position: relative ; ;...