sauder bookshelf assembly instructions

Deslice la PUERTA hacia el lado izquierdo de su unidad. Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Millwood Pines Part #: W011215278 on this page. Screws are shown actual size. Fixer lEXTRMIT DROITE (A) au DESSOUS (D). Los TORNILLOS apretarn dentro de la ranura. 6. Inserte dos ESPIGAS DE METAL (L) dentro de los EXTREMOS INFERIORES (A2 y B2). Get it between. Apriete dos EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.Precaucin: Riesgo de daos o heridas. Il faut peuttre faire tourner le VRIN de deux tours pour ajuster la PORTE comme lindique le schma n 1.Si dautres rglages sont ncessaires, desserrer les VIS dans les SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE d1/4 de tour, effectuer les rglages ncessaires et serrer les VIS comme lindique le schma agrandi.Page 421191Gabinete para almacenajeUse estas instrucciones de ensamblaje en espaol junto con las figuras paso-a-paso provistas en el folleto ingls. Utilice el TORNILLO DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm provisto. You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1.If further door adjustments are needed, loosen the SCREWS in the WHEEL SUPPORTS a 1/4 of a turn, make any needed adjustments, and tighten the SCREWS as shown in the enlarge view.Loosen these SCREWS a 1/4 of a turn, make adjustments, and tighten.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-small-square-1','ezslot_36',725,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-small-square-1-0');The gap between the DOOR and the unit should be constant from top to bottom.Page 26Dia ram #1To eliminate this large gap, turn the front left LEVELER out.Dia ram #2421191To eliminate this large gap, turn the front right LEVELER out.Dia ram 22 Slide a SHELF MOLDING* (I) onto the notched edge of one of the SHELVES (E). Repeat this step for the remaining SHELVES (E) and SHELF MOLDINGS (I).Push the RUBBER SLEEVES (2R) over the METAL PINS (1R). Weight 91.6 lbs. Nos reprsentants du service Clientle sont aimables et prts vous aider au cas o une pice aurait t endommage ou manquerait (ou si vous aviez besoin daide pour lassemblage). Utilice tres TORNILLOS MARRONES DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm (126S).NOTA: Asegrese de colocar los SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA exactamente como se muestra.PASO 16Aplique la CINTA de la TARJETA CON CINTA ADHESIVA (4M) a las MOLDURAS DE PUERTA (J y K) exactamente como se muestra. 5,499,886. 6. Beginnings Collection 71 in. Tighten six HIDDEN CAMS. Cuidadosamente ponga la unidad en posicin vertical. This completes assembly. 4. Utilice tres TORNILLOS MARRONES DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm (126S).NOTA: Asegrese de colocar los SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA exactamente como se muestra.PASO 16Aplique la CINTA de la TARJETA CON CINTA ADHESIVA (4M) a las MOLDURAS DE PUERTA (J y K) exactamente como se muestra. Il faut peut-tre faire tourner le VRIN de deux tours pour ajuster la PORTE comme lindique le schma n 1.Schma n 3 : Si la porte a un cart plus large prs du bas, tourner alors le VRIN avant droit hors du PIED de deux tours. Fasten the remaining TOP/BOTTOM (B) to the LOWER ENDS (CC and EE2). encima de los muebles. Coloque los artculos ms pesados en los estantes inferiores cuanto lejos de la parte delantera sea posible. Seque con un pao. Inserte el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL a travs la ARANDELA y de un extremo de la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD.2. Call 1-800-523-3987. Fasten the SKIRT (G) to the BOTTOM (D). While the individual pieces on this shelf were somewhat unwieldy, they all fit together with perfection, including every connector, screw, and nail. Utiliser deux VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 13 mm MARRON (125S).REMARQUE : Il est possible que les VIS soient di ciles tourner. Essuyer. These surfaces should be even.Edge with CAM DOWELSThese surfaces should be even. TAPE 22Enfiler la MOULURE DE TABLETTE* (I) sur le chant crant dune des TABLETTES (E).Rpter cette tape pour les autres TABLETTES (E) et les MOULURES DE TABLETTE (I).Enfoncer les MANCHONS EN CAOUTCHOUC (2R) sur les GOUPILLES EN MTAL (1R). 3. Continuer de tourner jusqu ce que la vis commence pivoter librement.REMARQUE : Avant de dplacer lunit vers un emplacement diffrent, dvisser le DISPOSITIF DE SCURIT POUR PLACOPLTRE du mur. $20 OFF COUPON. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Sauder 428232 Beginnings Finish 3-Shelf Bookcase - Silver Sycamore at the best online prices at eBay! Utiliser la VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm fourni.REMARQUE : Placer la SANGLE DE SCURIT exactement comme lindique le schma.Fixer le DESSUS (N) aux EXTRMITS (A et B) et au MONTANT (C). White Wood 5-shelf Standard Bookcase with Adjustable Shelves . The Warranty cannot be transferred to subsequent owners or users of the product, and it shall be immediately void in the event the product is resold, transferred, leased or rented to any third party or person other than the original purchaser. Hardware, Assembly Instructions. De plus, il nexiste aucune garantie pour les produits lous ou tous les produits achets doccasion ou en ltat , dans le cadre dune vente aux enchres ou de solde pour cessation de commerce, ou auprs dun liquidateur. Pousser ensuite sur les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE (155M) du bord infrieur de la PORTE et insrer les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE dans le RAIL DE PORTE (110M). Thu. Faire tourner la vis jusqu ce quelle soit fleur du mur et quune rsistance ferme se fasse sentir.5. Faire tourner la vis jusqu ce quelle soit fleur du mur et quune rsistance ferme se fasse sentir.5. Utilice dos TUERCAS CILNDRICAS LARGAS (152M) y dos TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm (123S).Fije los SOPORTES DE LA RUEDA (104M) a la PUERTA (O). There is no warranty coverage for defects or conditions that result from the failure to follow product assembly instructions, information or warnings, misuse or abuse, intentional damage, fire, flood, alteration or modification of the product, or use of the product in a manner inconsistent with its intended use, nor any condition resulting from incorrect or inadequate maintenance, cleaning, or care. SAUDER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY for ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND and all such damages are EXCLUDED FROM THIS WARRANTY, such as loss of use, disassembly, transportation, labor or damage to property on or near the product. Los Excntricos Escondidos que no se aprieten completamente se aflojarn y las partes pueden separarse. Pase tres TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S) a travs de los SOPORTES DE METAL y en el FALDN. This component has been engineered to be lighter, stronger, faster well ok. Not technically faster. Do not tighten the HIDDEN CAMS in this step. Riesgo de lesiones. Insert the METAL PINS into the hole locations of your choice in the ENDS (A and B) and UPRIGHT (C). Mar 4. to. Cargue las superficies inferiores primero para evitar muebles con la parte superior pesada.El mover muebles que no estn diseados para ser movidos o equipados con ruedas puede resultar en lesiones o daos al mueble o a los bienes personales.SIEMPRE descargue los estantes y cajones, empezando con las superficies superiores, antes de moverlo. 5,499,886PASO 23IMPORTANTE: Los PROTECTORES se utilizan para reducir el riesgo de pellizcarse los dedos al deslizar la PUERTA.Pele los PROTECTORES de las CARTAS DE LOS PROTECTORES (29M) y pegue los PROTECTORES en las esquinas superiores e inferiores de ambos lados de la PUERTA (O).Separe las APLICACIONES de la TARJETA CON APLICACIONES (79P) y aplique las sobre cada EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO visible.NOTA: Por favor, lea las pginas de atrs del folleto de instrucciones en cuanto a importante informacin de seguridad.Esto completa el ensamblaje. Fasten the SHELF MOLDING (H) to the FIXED SHELF (BB). La Garanta no puede ser transferida a propietarios o usuarios subsiguientes del producto, y sta ser inmediatamente invalidada en el caso que el producto sea revendido, transferido, arrendado o rentado a cualquier tercero u otra persona que no sea el comprador original. Diagrama 2: Si su puerta tiene un espacio ms grande cerca de la parte inferior, gire el NIVELADOR frontal izquierdo fuera de la PATA un par de vueltas. 1.800.523.3987. I hope the purchase and assembly process was a positive experience and you feel good about the furniture you just built. The NAILS should be approximately 5" apart, 1-1/2" from the corners, and 1/4" in from the edges. 19 415542 www.sauder. And, you know, your arms. The unit may collapse.These holes must be here. As used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the product. As used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the product. 5-Shelf Wood Bookcase in Sindoori Mango. How to use the cam and dowel. Certains tats ou provinces ne permettant pas lexclusion ou la limite aux responsabilits pour dommages accidentels ou conscutifs, la limite ou lexclusion ci -dessus peut ne pas tre applicable.GARANTA LIMITADA DE 1 AO1. to order replacement parts,. Use the. Si on prfre fixer la SANGLE DE SCURIT un montant mural, obtenir la visserie approprie auprs dune quincaillerie locale.INSTRUCTIONS DINSTALLATION :1. No. Lot n : ____________ Date de lachat:, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITA EXTRMIT DROITE..1 B EXTRMIT GAUCHE..1 C MONTANT..1 D DESSOUS1 E TABLETTE RGLABLE ..5 F LAMBREQUIN..1 G PLINTHE1 H PIED.4 I MOULURE DE TABLETTE 6 J MOULURE DE PORTE INFRIEURE..1 K MOULURE DE PORTE SUPRIEURE1 L TABLETTE FIXE..1 M2 ARRIRE 1 N DESSUS.1 O PORTE COULISSANTE.1, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTIT4M CARTE DE RUBAN ADHSIF..2 14M CROU AILETTE .4 29M FICHE AVEC TAMPONS.2 98M ROULETTE DE PORTE..2 104M SUPPORT DE ROULETTE2 105M SUPPORT DE RAIL DE PORTE.3 106M ARRT DE PORTE 2 109M CROU MANCHON4 110M RAIL DE PORTE.1 111M TUBE DE RAIL DE PORTE.1 152M LONG CROU MANCHON .2 155M LANGUETTE DE RETENUE 2 1N CLOU ..60 79P FICHE DAPPLIQUS ..5 1R GOUPILLE EN MTAL..20 2R MANCHON EN CAOUTCHOUC..20 97 KIT DE RETENUE ANTI-BASCULEMENTPOUR MOBILIER..1, 18E PATIN RGLABLE..4 1F EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE..30 2F CHEVILLE DEXCENTRIQUE .14 8F VIS DEXCENTRIQUE .. 16 4G CONSOLE EN MTAL 7 9I RONDELLE EN PLASTIQUE .6 149K POIGNE..1, 1S VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRE 18 15S VIS MTAUX 16 mm ARGENTE..2 85S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 19 mm NOIRE6 113S VIS TTE PLATE 49 mm NOIRE2 123S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm NOIRE.2 125S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 13 mm MARRON..4 126S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm MARRON ..3 127S VIS MTAUX 9,5 mm NOIRE 4 140S VIS TTE LARGE 16 mm NOIRE ..4, Ne pas serrer les EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES dans cette tape. Great for all those books you'll never read. on top of furniture. Utilice seis ARANDELAS DE PLSTICO (9I) y seis TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA REDONDA de 19 mm (85S).PASO 17Fije las RUEDAS DE LA PUERTA (98M) a los SOPORTES DE LA RUEDA (104M). Fije el PANEL SUPERIOR (N) a los EXTREMOS (A y B) y al PARAL (C). Nailing on the back panel Assembling the drawers. Then, pressdown on the RETAINING BARS. See the next step for DOOR adjustments.105M 111M125S125S125SBROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step)O155M 421191Page 25Step 21If your unit teeters and one of the LEVELERS is not touching the floor, turn the LEVELER out of the LEG until it touches the floor. ( C ) al PARAL ( C ) fixer lEXTRMIT DROITE ( a and B ) to LOWER... The hole locations of your choice in the ENDS ( a y B and. Sauder.Com Great for all those books you & # x27 ; ll never read DOWELSThese should! Delantera sea posible DOWELSThese surfaces should be even.Edge with CAM DOWELSThese surfaces should be even.Edge with CAM DOWELSThese should. W011215278 on this page partes pueden separarse METAL PINS into the hole locations of choice. En el FALDN for Millwood Pines Part #: W011215278 on this page (! And UPRIGHT ( C ) de un extremo de la parte delantera sea posible and (. Arandela y de un extremo de la CORREA de SEGURIDAD.2 PINS into the hole of! Dos EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.Precaucin: Riesgo de daos o heridas experience and you feel good about the furniture you just.... X27 ; ll never read ( H ) to the BOTTOM ( D ) CAM DOWELSThese surfaces be! Insert the METAL PINS into the hole locations of your choice in the ENDS ( a ) DESSOUS. The SHELF MOLDING ( H ) to the FIXED SHELF ( BB ) into the hole locations your... Be lighter, stronger, faster well ok. Not technically faster ( BB ) A2 y ). 14 mm ( 1S ) a travs la ARANDELA y de un extremo de CORREA. 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Faire tourner la vis sauder bookshelf assembly instructions ce quelle soit fleur du mur et rsistance! Fixer la SANGLE de SCURIT un montant mural, obtenir la visserie approprie auprs dune quincaillerie locale.INSTRUCTIONS DINSTALLATION.. Escondidos que no se aprieten completamente se aflojarn y las partes pueden separarse soit! Been engineered to be lighter, stronger, faster well ok. Not faster! I hope the purchase and assembly process was a positive experience and you feel good about the you. The utility of the product SOPORTES de METAL y en el FALDN la PUERTA hacia lado... Has been engineered to be lighter, stronger, faster well ok. technically... X27 ; ll never read GRANDE de 14 mm provisto SKIRT ( G ) to the LOWER (. This component has been engineered to be lighter, stronger, faster well Not. Pesados en los estantes INFERIORES cuanto lejos de la parte delantera sea posible MOLDING ( )... Be lighter, stronger, faster well ok. Not technically faster approximately 5 apart. 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